jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Para Madeleine


Lion Arts Centre North Tce [West End] Adelaide South Australia

+61-(0)8-82117505 info@eaf.asn.au www.eaf.asn.au

Gallery Hours 11-5pm Tues-Fri. 2-5 Sat

Media Release

Biotech Art – Revisited

9 April – 2 May 2009

exhibition • symposium • workshop


In his final exhibition project as director of the EAF Melentie
Pandilovski revisits a signature theme – art and biotechnology. Biotech
Art – Revisited includes an exhibition (of the same name), a workshop –
Vital micro-ecologies: splice, dice, duplicate, and a free public
symposium – Life, death & biotechnia. The project plans to tease out
connections between art, culture, biotechnology & genomics, with
leading Australian and international artists and theorists set to
install & present their recent works.

exhibition • Biotech Art – Revisited

Opening 6pm Wednesday 8 April

CURATOR Melentie Pandilovski

ARTISTS/SCIENTISTS Trish Adams, Bio-Kino (Guy Ben-Ary & Tanja
Visosevic), BioHome (Catherine Fargher & Terumi Narushima), André
Brodyk, Gary Cass & Donna Franklin, FOaM (Maja Kuzmanovic & Nik
Gaffney), Niki Sperou, Paul Thomas in collaboration with Kevin
Raxworthy, Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr)

The works in the exhibition will present an array of approaches – from
the humorous and playful to the deadly serious – from the way we think
about the ‘origins’ of life, the scale and dimensions of living matter,
to relationships with nourishment, death, fashion and appearance.
Australia’s leading international artists in the field – Tissue Culture
& Art Project – will exhibit mark II of their award winning NoArk, a
bioreactor that houses a ‘chimerical blob’ or a ‘sub-life
neo-organism’. What to call these semi-living cells is called to
question,– how to think about them at all? BioHome will exhibit/perform
The Chromosome Knitting Project, an event that blurs the distinction
between home and laboratory, between expert and novice. Guy Ben-Ary &
Tanya Visosevic have invented what they call the ‘bio-cinematic’ which
presents ‘Bio-Art as a Freak Show’ with The Living Screen, whilst Donna
Franklin & Gary Cass will display living cloth/skin in Micro ‘be’
Fermented Fashion. Nanoessense is a foray into nanotechnology by Paul
Thomas and Kevin Raxworthy, whilst André Brodyk works with
representation at a minuscule scale by developing his own strain of
bacteria in the installation Proto-animate19. Niki Sperou is enamoured
of the aesthetic and cultural poetics of vegetal micro bacterial
chimera in Man a Plant; whilst still in the vegetal world but at a
human-scale FOaM takes a political stance in their multi-nodal
groWorld, initiating actions using the forces of design, permaculture
and technology. FOaM’s mantra is: ‘For more serendipity and
cross-fertilisation – minimise borders and maximise edges!’

symposium • Life, death & biotechnia

Wednesday 8th April. 10am – 5pm.

Venue: Mercury Cinema. Admission is free

CONVENORS Melentie Pandilovski & Linda Cooper

SPEAKERS Marcello Costa FAA, Professor of Neurophysiology, Flinders
University; Linda Cooper, Director of the Bragg Initiative in the
Department of the Premier and Cabinet South Aust; Niki Sperou, Dr
Catherine Fargher & Terumi Narushima, Oron Catts, Dr Paul Thomas, Tania
Visosevic, Vicki Sowry, André Brodyk, Dr Trish Adams

Life, death & biotechnia is a one-day symposium that brings together
the artists & scientists participating in the Biotech Art – Revisited
project, along with others involved in the discourses surrounding
art/science collaborations. The speakers will present their most recent
questions, understandings and misreadings relating to ethical
relationships to partial life, the endless limitations and
opportunities for artists and scientists to (mis)understand the others
disciplines, challenges for all kinds of taxonomies, the methods and
manners of the ubiquitous ‘infiltration’ of biotechnicity into
everyday life. Bookings can be made by emailing info@eaf.asn.au.
Include your name and those of any others attending with you.

* further: eaf.asn.au/2009/biotech09-symposium.html

workshop • Splice, dice, duplicate

Tuesday 14 – Friday 17 April

Venue: Flinders University, Health Sciences Building 4.41

Department of Medical Biotechnology

APPLY NOW Applications close 20 March 5pm c.o.b


As a part of the Biotech Art – Revisited project the Experimental Art
Foundation has organized a workshop titled Vital micro-ecologies:
splice, dice, duplicate. The workshop – led by the South Australian
biotech artist Niki Sperou and hosted by the Department of Medical
Biotechnology at Flinders University – will serve as a theoretical and
practical introduction to the creation of biotech art. Participation in
the workshop is free. Applications are now invited from artists,
curators, writers & others interested in participating. In an email
addressed to info@eaf.asn.au with the subject line Biotech Art
Workshop, tell us in no more than 200 words why you want to attend the
workshop, what you hope to get from it etc. Attach a 1 page CV.

* further: eaf.asn.au/2009/biotech09-workshop.html

For more images, interviews or more detail contact the EAF Program
Manager for Design & Publicity Teri Hoskin by email at info@eaf.asn.au
or by phone [08] 8211 7505

“A ghost is haunting the arts, the ghost of biotechnology.”
Melentie Pandilovski, The Ghost of Biotechnology: Art of the Biotech Era

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

islas en el trafico


martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

Traigan todo para el viernes...

Debido a la cancelacion de clases el miercoles por mi enfermedad y situacion familiar necesito que todos vengan aclase el viernes para hacer clase de6 a 10.30 y asi reponer parte de la clase que perdimos. Gracias

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Vanity Shows Scams (Engaños y Exhibiciones de Vanidad)

Como todos mercados hay niveles distintos en donde se puede exhibir:

1 Galerias Reales: no cobran nada por exhibir tu arte, venden tu obra

2 Vanity Galleries o Galerias de Vanidad: te cobran por exhibirt, no venden tu obra
Los artistas serios, la academia, etc. las conocen: ej. Agora Gallery en NY

3 Los Vanity Biennials: te cobran por exhibir tu obra, aceptan a todo el que pague, no hay control de calidad. Si en tu curriculum aparece que has exhibido en este tipo de feria o bienale, es una luz roja para no darte paso ni abrirte la puerta. ej. Florence Biennial

4. Catalogos y/o galerias de internet: promenten exhibir tu obra, y no hacen nada pero te cobran

Regla de ORO: NUNCA PAGUES POR EXHIBIR TU OBRA. Degradas tu trabajo y das la impresion que estas mas atras del prestigio que de la integridad de tu creacion.

Aqui hay algunos sites que ayudan a los artistas principiantes a no caer en estos scams.





